HF5A (2-wire / 3-wire / digital)

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HF5A (2-wire / 3-wire / digital)


Add device - Interface

This device only supports NFC, find more information here: Device Tree


NFC-USB-READER: NFC reader with USB cable for transmitters with NFC interface

Smartphone (with NFC) + HygroSoft App: A smartphone with NFC and the HygroSoft App (Download and Installation) for transmitters


NOTE: To be able to fully use the functionality of the transmitter and HygroSoft the transmitter needs to be externally powered.

Without the power supply you can only use the NFC Powerless function, see here: NFC Powerless




To display all the possible settings for the device, it has to be read out first by clicking on the button "Read".

By clicking on the button "Write" all the changed settings will be applied to the device.



HF5A-2 (2-wire, loop powered transmitter): due to the necessity of limiting the current consumption of the combination of HF5A-2 and HygroClip2 probe to less than 4 mA.




Description: A device name can be defined for the individual device by the user.

Detailed LED flashing pattern: The HF5 offers per default 3 different status lights. Green stands for normal operation, orange stands for simulation mode, red stands for error mode. When the detailed LED flashing pattern is activated there are flashing patterns which show different error messages, which is particularly useful for devices without displays. See more here: LED status light

Output monitoring for value changes [min]: The measured value is monitored with that function. The user specifies here (in minutes) when the transmitter issues an alarm if the values shows no changes (not for 2-wire HF5A)

Probe adjust interval (months): The calibration date of the inserted sensor is checked here and then the next calibration date is output (in months), but only via the Modbus register.

Selected calculation type: Several calculation can be chosen that are based on humidity and temperature - e. g. dew point, frost point, vapor pressure etc. If calculation is selected the calculated parameter will be shown on the third row (only for the optional display) on the display of the transmitter. If no calculation is selected the device description will then be shown on the display.

Ambient pressure: Enter here the fixed numerical value to be used for barometric pressure when calculating the following parameters: Wet bulb temperature, Enthalpy, Specific humidity and Mixing ratio by weight. This numerical value should correspond to the typical barometric pressure at your elevation (or in your process) and should be consistent with the unit system that is being used.

Output value in case of error: If the alarm or a defect occurs, you can determine whether the minimum value (4mA) or the maximum value (20mA) is transmitted at the analog output, e.g. at 4-20mA. In addition, you can also set up the fixed value, e.g. the fixed value at 50% humidity, where the analog value of 16mA is then transmitted. If no fixed value has been defined and selected, the minimum value will then be transmitted.





To activate an the Alarm, go to the specific parameter and check the box on Alarm 1/2/3 enable.

Alarm for humidity (Alarm 1)

Alarm for temperature (Alarm 2)

Alarm for calculation (Alarm 3)

Alarm conditions can be defined for the temperature, humidity (HF3A only) and the calculation (only HF3A only) parameter. Values that are below the low alarm value (Alarm 1/2/3 lower limit) or above the high alarm value (Alarm 1/2/3 upper limit) will trigger an alarm.  The Alarm 1/2/3 hysteresis is used for both the low and the high alarm.




Display (optional)

Display brightness: can be chosen between 0% (no backlight) and 100% (maximum backlight).

Display contrast: Enter any number (0-100%) for the contrast of the display.

Display upside down: The display is shown upside down if the transmitter is mounted upside down.

Show trend: Check this box to enable the trend indicators on the optional display.

Display two decimals: Check this box to have the display show the values with 2 decimals instead of one decimal.




Fix values

For simulation reason, fix values can be defined and activated.

Fix value humidity

Fix value temperature

Fix value calculation




Analog output

Selecting the parameter for each Analog output:

Relative humidity








General analog output settings

Deactivate the load compensation or the analog outputs by unchecking the box




Unit settings

Metric and imperial can be switched for the temperature, humidity and calculation.

The unit of relative humidity can be defined.



RS485 settings (optional)

Setting up the different Modbus and RS485 network settings




Special device configuration

The device settings can be protected with a password. To setup a password click on Change.





The HF5A has the possibility to acquire and then adjust multiple adjustment points of the HygroClip for temperature and humidity .

For the humidity it's possible to adjust up 100 measurement points.

For the temperature it's possible to adjust up to 2 measurement points.


Find more information, here: Adjustment