LED Status Light

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LED Status Light

Default LED status light setting


The HF5A has per default 3 different status LED light colors, which are indicating 3 different statuses.


Green stands for normal operation:




Orange stands for simulation mode:





Red stands for error mode:




Based on the model, LED lights behave as follows:


2-wire version: only a flashing light;

3/4-wire or digital version: permanently illuminated.



Detail LED flashing pattern


In addition to the standard status lighting, the HF5A offers a special flashing pattern (particularly useful for devices without a display), which can provide the user with more detailed error descriptions. This function is disabled by default but can be activated through the HF5A configuration menu.


The flashing LED patterns are divided into two categories:


Probe Errors:  Errors related to the connected sensor, that must be resolved before the device can resume the regular operation;

Serious Errors: Errors preventing the regular operation of the device.


The tables below provide an schematic overview of the flashing LED patterns according to their respective error messages.



Probe Errors

Error Message

LED Sequence


No Probe Connected


The Probe is not successfully connected

CRC Error


Communication error between device and sensor data transmission

Sensor Error


Sensor might be damaged (short circuit, disconnection or similar)

Probe Error 1


Sensors do not support the function yet

Probe Error 2


Sensors do not support the function yet



Serious Errors

Error Message

LED Sequence

Next Step

Initialization of the Flash-Chip failed


If any of these LED patterns are displayed on the device, please contact the support.

NFC Communication failed


The Property Data cannot be red in


The Factory Data cannot be read in


The NFC EEPROM Data cannot be synchronized


The Analog Output cannot be initialized


The Temperature of the Analog Output-Chip is to high


Unknown Error