SaaS/Cloud - IT Compliance

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SaaS/Cloud - IT Compliance

This chapter is designed to clarify all IT questions from the services, the security, data integrity, external partners as well as relevant information around how the service is secured so that no data is lost concerning the Rotronic SaaS solution. Based upon the details from this chapter, the IT manager should be able to define if RMS is compliant to the internal IT requirements.


There are three parties involved when purchasing a SaaS solution from Rotronic AG:

1) Rotronic AG: RMS Supplier.

2) 4Net AG: Virtual Server Hosting.

3) Interxion: Data Center.


The chapter is only relevant for the standard SaaS solution. If a customer requires an exclusive cloud solution, then must contact Rotronic AG.


The chapter is setup in a question answer format:

ISO Certifications & Compliance.

Cloud Service Information.

Data Centre Details.



Hardening Techniques.

Certified Hypervisors.

Network Security.

Data Security.

ID and Rights Managemement within RMS.

Monitoring, Logging and Security Incident Management.

Emergency Management.

SLA, Portability and Interoperability.

Security Certification and Audit.


Data Protection.


Service Description.


Data Segregation.