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The RMS-CONVERTER-100 is used to integrate digital non-RMS devices to RMS. The RMS-CONVERTER-100 acts as an adapter between these devices and RMS - by transmission of the proprietary device protocols to the RMS and back. This enables the exchange of data between non-RMS devices and RMS.
Currently the RMS-CONVERTER-100 allows for the integration of the following products:
oConventional Rotronic devices with a TCP connection.
oMODBUS TCP devices.
Besides device integration, the RMS-CONVERTER-100 has the following functions:
oMODBUS editor to create, export and import MODBUS drivers for integration of MODBUS devices.
oIntegration of CA (Certification Authority) certificates for IT security.
oDevice firmware update.
o7 days data logging.
oAudit trail.
Important: |
Device Manual•Modbus Editor - Integration of Modbus TCP products into RMS