Configure your Timezone

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Configure your Timezone

In RMS various timezones can be set:

1.Company timezone: Configure your Local Settings.

2.User timezone: Tools>Setup>User Explained.


Important when selecting a user time zone that is different to the system timezone the following points need to be taken into account:

Browser: The timezone shown in RMS will be based upon the user timezone.

Reports: The timezone is shown in the report header.

oIf a user generates the report, then the user timezone is taken.

oIf the report is automated, then the timezone is defined in the creation of the automated E-Mail: Tools>Setup>E-Mail Reports Explained.

Notifications: E-Mails are sent using the users timezone.

Audit trail:

oThe event start and end time are shown in the user timezone.

oThe event details are shown in the company timezone only.