Configure your User Settings and Group Rights

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Configure your User Settings and Group Rights

Step 1

From the start page, click on "Tools" > "Setup":

RMS add a user step 1

Step 2

On the left side, select "User":

User New

Step 3

User info:

oID: the user's USR number.

oUser name: the user's name.

oStatus: shows if the user is enabled or disabled. The circle is green when enabled and black when disabled.

oLast login: the time of the last login.

oNumber of logins: the number of times that the user has logged in to the system.

oLogin error: the number of times that the wrong password has been entered.

Step 4


oVisible in: where the user is visible. Click on this button to select the correct group.

user visible in

Step 5

Full name

User's full name.



User's email.



User's position (free text).



A comment (free text).



User defined signature (free text or review, approval, responsibility or authorship). The signature appears next to the full user name as a signature in all documents and all audit trail events that the user has generated.



The user's telephone number. International format with the country calling code required.



The user's timezone. The user can choose between between the system timezone or a user defined time zone.

oBrowser: The timezone shown in RMS will be based upon the user timezone.

oReports: The timezone is shown in the report header.

If a user generates the report, then the user timezone is taken.

If the report is automated, then the timezone is defined in the creation of the automated E-Mail: Tools>Setup>E-Mail Reports Explained.

oNotifications: E-Mails are sent using the users timezone. If multiple timezones are setup within a company, then when notifications are sent out, then there will be a "send E-Mail" event per timezone.

oAudit trail:

The event start and end time are shown in the user timezone.

The event details are shown in the company timezone only.


Deny password change

When selected, the user cannot request to change their password.


Group rights

Define the user's rights in various groups. Click on the spanner to change an existing right or on the "+" to add a new right. Simply select the group and then the user right from the drop down menu for that group.


Step 6

user group rights

Click on "OK".