Configure your Telephone Account Settings

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Configure your Telephone Account Settings

The SMS and telephone alarm requires certain IT settings, please find the overview here: IT Requirements for SMS and Telephone Alarming


Step 1

From the start page, click on "Tools" > "Setup":


configure repeate alarm settings step 1


Step 2

On the left side, select "System":


configure repeate alarm settings step 2


Step 3

Under "Telephone account", it is possible to configure your telephone account settings.


Three options exist: choose either "Not used", "Worldwide" or "China".


oUser account ID: the account ID will be supplied by Rotronic once purchased.

oUser account token:the account token will be supplied by Rotronic once purchased.

oSMS number: the SMS number will be supplied by Rotronic once purchased.

oTelephone number: the telephone number will be supplied by Rotronic once purchased.

oCallback server: the callback server will be supplied by Rotronic once purchased.

oTelephone alarm inhibition: choose the time that the alarm is inhibited when inhibited over the telephone.

oSay device/measure point ID: define if yes or no the device/measure point ID is read out.

oSay device/measure point name: define if yes or no the device/measure point name is read out.

oSay device serial number: define if yes or no the device serial number is read out.

oSay device position: define if yes or no the device position is read out.

oSay measure point comment: define if yes or no the measure point comment is read out.

Step 4

Click on "Save" to save the settings.


Please find more details about configuring the SMS and telephone here: Detailed overview.


Please find out how to cancel you SMS and telephone account here: Cancel RMS-WEB/CLD-XDA.