I was asked what is the "Average" option in the RMS.
If you click on Tools -> Setup -> Measuring points -> New -> Arithmetic calculation - you can choose the option "Average". The mean of the average is pretty simple. It is the sum of an amount of measuring numbers divided by the quantity of numbers taken into account (see Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Average).
How to set up?
To setup such a measuring point you need to define a duration e. g. in minutes and you have to choose a real measuring point e. g. humitiy on which you want to apply the average.
The duration time defines the number of real measurement points for the average calculation. The number of real measurement points = (duration / interval) + 1 . For example a duration of 10min and an interval setting of 1min, an average of 11 values (last 10 values + the actual value) is calulated. A duration of 2 hours with an interval of 15min, an average of 9 values would be calculated.
For what it is used for?
The average is used as a simple low-pass-filter to damp short peaks over the time and see better longer term drift behaviours.
As higher this number, as stronger the low-pass-filter effect is.
At the next two pictures (Data analysis chart and table view), the effect is shown an two average calculations with durations of 5 and 10min based on a humidity measurement and an interval of 1min.
So can it be, that the actual measurement values increases while the average is still going down? - Yes, as you can see below.
The data analysis at the table view.
Tip: To reproduce the calculation, Microsoft excel has a average formula function AVERAGE(...).
Another filter principle is the PT1 filter principle (see also https://service.rotronic.com/forum/n...ilter-function).