New RMS-devices aren't implemented in the RMS-software, if you can't read out the properties for example the RMS-LOG-T30-868, it's necessary to upload the device definitions of the device.
1. Tools--> Setup choose the device for example the RMS-LOG-T30-868
2. Options --> "Import device definitions" and upload the definition file
3. Options --> Read out device settings
4. after a interval it's possible to change the device settings
There is an issue of the RMS-Software (Version 1.3.1) to update the firmware of these devices. If you press the button "Firmware-Update" and the error message pops "NoPropertyData" up, there is no option to make a firmware update of this device. That issue is fixed in the new RMS-Software V2.0 (Cloud).
For any question please contact Rotronic support