Setting / Log Data

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Setting / Log Data



Main menu [OK] → Settings → Language


The available languages are: English, Deutsch, Français, Italiano




Main menu [OK]  Settings  Date/Time


The following settings can also be set beside the date and time.


Date format: DIN, US, ISO

Time format: 12 h, 24 h


The date and time must be set correctly for proper operation of the device.


Info: Please note that if the battery is completely discharged, the handheld device must be time-chronized again with the HygroSoft.




Main menu [OK]  Settings  Units


The following settings can also be set beside the date and time.


Your options are as follow:



m, ft


°C, °F


hPa, mmHg


kg, lbs


Calculated Psychometric Parameters


Beside relative humidity and temperature, the HP32 can display 2 of the following 10 psychometric parameters:


Dew / Frost point (Dp/Fp)

Wet bulb temperature (Tw)

Enthalpy (H)

Vapor concentration (Dv)

Specific humidity (Q)

Mixing ration by weight (R)

Vapor pressure (E)

Saturation vapor pressure (Ew)

Saturation vapor density (SVD)


Select the parameters that you want to log and/or see on the home screen within:


Main menu [OK]  Settings  Dysplayed calculated parameters


Info: You can change the order of values on the home screen by [UP] on the home screen


Info: You can change the atmospheric pressure constant used in calculations in:


Main menu [OK]  Settings  Atmospheric pressure


Hold/capture and spot measurements


Freeze the displayed values on the home screen by pressing the [Hold/Capture] action button on the home screen. Those values can then be:


Saved as a spot measurement with [Capture]

Released again with [Release]


Data logging


Program or start the automatic logging at regular interval with the [Log] action button. Define the storage location, the interval and, if you want, a start and stop time, then start the logging operation by pressing the [Start] action button.


Info: Your device will be automatically switched on at the given start time to start the logging.


Attention: The main menu is not accessible while data logging is active. Spot measurements are, however, still possible.


Attention: You must name storage locations before use. Simply use the [Rename] action button when selecting a storage location to assign it a name.


Spot Measurement


Review the spot measurements by selecting their storage location within:


Main menu [OK]  Memory  Capture


Logged Data


Review the logged data by selecting its storage location within:


Main menu [OK]  Memory  Log


Switch between graphic displays and MIN / MAX / AVG values of the 4 parameters with [UP] and [DOWN].




Set up upper, lower limits as well as hysteresis for every displayed parameter in:


Main menu [OK]  Alarms


Broken alarm limits are shown in red on the home screen. To enable an acoustic signal for an alarm:


Main menu [OK]  Settings → Buzzer