Customer Adjustment

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Customer Adjustment

The HP3X has a humidity and temperature adjustment function so that you can adjust directly with the handheld instrument. The instrument can make a 1-point adjustment for temperature and a 1-point or 3-point adjustment for humidity.


Main menu [OK] → Adjustment


Select Humidity or Temperature with the arrow keys and confirm with OK.


Example of sequence for 3-point humidity adjustment:


Reference value 1:        10 %rh

Reference value 2:        35 %rh

Reference value 3:        80 %rh



The value of the reference can be entered with the keypad. The attached probe shows the current measured value. After entering the first reference value (10 %rh), press OK to confirm “Save & Continue” and enter the next reference value (35 %rh).


When all three reference values have been entered, press OK to confirm “Save & Continue” again and adjustment is finished. The last adjustment date is now listed under Adjustment.