Reconfiguration of a Transmitter

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Reconfiguration of a Transmitter

Step 1

Starting up the NFC Station Configuration Software




When starting up the NFC Station Configuration Software, please Login with your credentials.

NOTE: Please update your software if there is a notification for a new Software version!


Step 2

Main Window


When the Main Window is open the NFC Station is ready to place the transmitter package on the NFC Reader.



Click on the "Load order" button to load a new order code to the NFC Station, which can be also manually entered from the Order Code Generator. Please follow the procedure which is explained in the Joint operation with the NFC Station.

NFC_order code window



Clicking on the "Order code info" register to check the settings of the new order code.

NFC_order code info


Place the NFC Reader on top or under the packaging of the transmitter.

NOTE: Please make sure not to use the NFC Reader on a metal table, because it can interfere with the NFC Signal.



After entering the order code, click on "OK" to upload the settings into the transmitter.


Step 3

Scanning the (optional) bar code


With the NFC Station it is also possible to scan the bar code of the invoice to automatically reconfigure the transmitter (without typing in the order code manually). This is only possible for PST Members (which have a suitable ERP system).

It is also possible for other costumers to use the bar code from a label (copy the bar code form the packaging label) for device configuration, which can be used again to improve NFC configuration process.




The bar code should look like this (which can be also used from the packaging label):



Below the bar code is the complete order code of the device.


NOTE: This order code can be manually typed in in the order code window, in case of a problem with the bar code scanner or when configuring a special configuration from the Order Code Generator.


Step 4

Successful Configuration


After successful configuration the main window will show a green "Pass" window.



The Label Printer will print out automatically the correct labels for the transmitter (left) and for the packaging (right).




Failed Configuration


If the reconfiguration fails there will be a red "Fail" window in the main window.

A error message will be displayed, why the reconfiguration failed.



In this example there is a new configuration for a HF5A transmitter with a display but the hardware of the transmitter placed on the NFC Reader has no display.


Please replace the wrong transmitter with the right transmitter, which has the necessary hardware for the reconfiguration.