Add other System Measurement Points

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Add other System Measurement Points

See Add a System Measuring Point.


Pending Reminders: Monitors the pending reminders.

Pending Warnings: Monitors the pending warnings.

Pending Alarms: Monitors the pending alarms.

Pending Errors: Monitors the pending errors.

CPU load: Monitors the CPU load in %.

Memory load: Monitors the memory load in %.


All of the following system measuring points are updated based upon the SystemMonitoring interval (the standard is 5 minutes, Update the SystemMonitoring Interval):

Measuring point updates: Monitors all system measuring point updates (including calculations and counters).

Pending Commands: Monitors all open commands.

Software exceptions: Monitors all software exceptions.

Active users: Monitors all active users (different users based upon the web page loads).

Web page loads: Monitors the web page loads.

First Command ID: Monitors the smallest SQL ID for commands.

Last Command ID: Monitors the largest SQL ID for commands.

New Download Commands: Monitors the new read out commands.

Retry Download: Monitors the read out retries.

New Device Command: Monitors the amount of new user commands for devices.

New Events: Monitors the amount of new events.

New Datagaps: Monitors the amount of new data gaps.

Measuretime Error: Monitors the amount of device updates with a measuring time not valid reminder.

Closed Events: Monitors the amount of closed events.

Repeat Events: Monitors the amount of repetitive events.

Sent E-Mails: Monitors the amount of sent E-Mails.

Sent SMS: Monitors the amount of send SMS's.

Phone Calls: Monitors the amount of phone calls made.

Servertime Offset: Compares the server time against an NTP server. The result is the difference in "ms". As default, the NTP server "" will be connected. Update the NTP Server.

Processing Duration: The average duration between receiving data in the webservice and processing in the Servicemanager. The result is the duration in "ms".

SQL Write Duration: Average duration in "ms" for write operations to the table "DataRecord2"

SQL Read Duration: Average dutation in "ms" for read operations for the table "AlarmItems".

Performance Counter: Using of Windows performance counter. "Category", "Name" and "Instance" must be configured (use the not localized strings).


For a system measurement point:

oName: choose a name for the System Measuring Point.

oType: select a System Measuring Point from the drop down menu.