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Originally posted by gilljagbir.7786@gmail.comView Post
Hello ,
Please help to download the modbus Configuration tool for PCmini 52 probes getaway shootout
Sure, I can help you with that! You can download the Modbus Configuration tool for PCmini 52 probes from the Rotronic website. Here are the steps on how to do it:
Go to the Rotronic website
Click on the "Downloads" tab.
Scroll down to the "Software" section.
Click on the "PCmini52 Modbus RTU Configuration Tool" link.
Save the file to your computer.
Once you have downloaded the file, you can install the tool by following the instructions in the included readme file.
To use the tool, you will need to connect your PCmini 52 probe to your computer using a USB cable. Once the probe is connected, you can launch the tool and configure the probe settings.
Sure, I can help you with that! You can download the Modbus Configuration tool for PCmini 52 probes from their website. Here are the steps on how to do it:
Go to the Rotronic website
Click on the "Downloads" tab.
Scroll down to the "Software" section.
Click on the "PCmini52 Modbus RTU Configuration Tool" link.
Save the file to your computer.
Once you have downloaded the file, you can install the tool by following the instructions in the included readme file.
To use the tool, you will need to connect your PCmini 52 probe to your computer using a USB cable. Once the probe is connected, you can launch the tool and configure the probe settings.
ojakubowski, thanks for the steps. However, in the step 4, after I clicked on "PCmini52," it redirected me to a blank (white) window. Is the problem on my site? I am using Google Chrome.
Sure, I can help you with that! You can download the Modbus Configuration tool for PCmini 52 probes from the Rotronic website. Here are the steps on how to do it:
Click on the "PCmini52 Modbus RTU Configuration Tool" link. geometry dash
Save the file to your computer.
Once you have downloaded the file, you can install the tool by following the instructions in the included readme file.
To use the tool, you will need to connect your PCmini 52 probe to your computer using a USB cable. Once the probe is connected, you can launch the tool and configure the probe settings.
Thanks for the detailed instructions! This is really helpful. I’ll follow these steps to download the Modbus Configuration tool for the PCmini 52 probes. Connecting it via USB and using the tool sounds straightforward. If I have any questions while setting it up, I'll reach out. Appreciate your assistance!