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Bandwith requirement and network data

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  • Bandwith requirement and network data

    What is the minimum requirement for bandwidith and how much data is being transmitted over the course of a day/week per device?

  • #2
    Hi emartins, please specify which transmission you are talking about? Is it the wireless transmission between a wireless logger and the gateway or between the gateway and the RMS web service or between a RMS-LOG-L and the Web-Service or between the probe and the Logger (LAN or RF)? And furthermore your chosen the interval would be necessary to estimate over a day.


    • #3
      Hi emartins, the RMS Gateway can send the most data within a interval. A normal data transmission of a single measurement is around 50Byte / interval / paired wireless device. After a bigger communication interruption, the RMS request the logged data in parallel to the live measurement. That causes a data transmittsion of max. 1KByte / interval / paired wireless device. Now you are able to calculate if your system is able to run with RMS.
      But please consider, that a FW update sends much more data at once. At the moment I cannot say how much it is.
      Could you tell us, why that is an issue for your system?

