First search than post
Before a first question is posted, please use the search function to evaluate possible solutions for your problem. Maybe other people had a similar problem and got the necessary solution already.
Also is possible to place the own question within the same thread. That reduces the number threads with the same or similar content and facilitate the search for everybody.

Subjects of threads and posts
The titel and content of the thread and posts might be related to the main themes of the forum. Then a meaningful contributed know-how can be supplied to other user. If a post combines better with a nabor theme, forum moderators can move a thread to another better related theme.

Concisely title
Please use a short and clear title for a new thread. E. g. "battery lifetime for MLOG". Please avoid expressions as "HELP-ME URGENT" within the title for a better overview and searching.

Spam or PingPongPosts
Please avoid empty or meaningless posts without any information. Such behaviour makes it difficult to find the right information for other users. Moderators could remove such posts to continue with a good readability.
Spamming threads or posts will be removed as well. If a dishonest intention could be supposed, the moderators can remove an user account behind.

Images, medias and copyrights
Please take care that the content of the images and medias for posts, threads or user pictures (Avatar) are conform to copyrights. Rotronic does not take over any responsabililty for disrespect.

Language and conduct
Do not use obscene, lewd, lascivious, filthy, or excessively violent language or pictures or medias or links to such a content.
Do not harass, insult, taunt, provoke, demean, or personally attack other forum members. Be friendly even if others are not.

Link to content rather than posting it in its entirety, unless you are the copyright holder or have permission from the copyright holder.
Do not post direct links to executable files. That can cause damages on the computer system of other users. Also avoid links to local storages e. g. file:///C:\...\perfect_document.pdf. Such a link cannot be opened by other users. Moderators may remove these links to protect users from potentially malicious downloads or to avoid meaningless information.

Confidential or sensitive information
Please beware that this platform is not monitored regarding sensitive and/or confidential information about customers and it's application, about participating people or system information. So it is within the range of individual responsibility of each person to care about the transparency of the supplied sensitive and/or confidential data.
Please hesitate to post such information.