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•Use service cable AC3009 with all 2-wire, loop powered transmitters. This cable powers up the transmitter via the service connector. Do not use any other method for powering the transmitter when using this cable AC3009 as this will create a ground loop and damage the transmitter. For the same reasons do not use cable AC3006 with a 2-wire, loop powered transmitter.
•Use service cable AC3006 with all 3-wire transmitters. This cable does not provide power to the transmitter and the transmitter should powered separately when using this cable
Both cables AC3006 and AC3009 convert UART (service connector) to USB and are used to connect the transmitter to a USB port of a PC running the ROTRONIC HygroSoft software.
As an alternative, cable AC2001 is used to connect the HF4 to a probe input of the HP23 hand-held calibrator. For service purposes, the HP23 offers essentially the same functionality as the ROTRONIC software.
WARNING: the service connector is a UART interface with a mini-USB connector type. Do not connect the service connector directly to the USB port of a PC or hub.
The service connector can be accessed without opening the enclosure after removing the small red sealing cover.