Display Overview

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Display Overview

Please find the overview of information that is displayed:


The device can optionally be ordered with a display. Up to 3 measured values can be shown on the display.

Measured value 1 is always displayed on line 1, measured value 2 on line 2 and calculated value on line 3.



Applicable Probes

Display representation


HC2 Probes

HC2A Probes

HCD Probes

Line 1: Humidity

Line 2: Temperature

Line 3: Psychrometric calculation (switchable)

TCD Probes

Line 1: Temperature



HC2 Probes

HC2A Probes

HCD  Probes

Line 1: Humidity

Line 2: Temperature

Line 3: Psychrometric calculation (switchable)

TCD Probes

Line 1: Temperature

PCD Probes1

Line 1: Differential Pressure


1The PCD probes only work with a 3 or 4 wire transmitter HF5A-31 and HF5A-D1, as they require more than 5 mA current


Note: The humidity value can only be processed as measured value 1, this has an influence on the display representation




Display Mode


Per default all Display versions has the calculated parameter Dew-Point on the 3 line of the display.


Status LED indication:




HF5A-Display2       HF5A_Display3     HF5A-Display3





Simulator Mode


In this mode the transmitter has fixed values, which are forwarded to the outputs and is indicated with a warning on screen.


Status LED indication:




HF5A-Display-Simulator1     HF5A-Display-Simulator3



HF5A-Display-Simulator2     HF5A-Display-Simulator4





Alarm Mode


In this mode the transmitter has fixed values, which are forwarded to the outputs and is indicated with a warning on screen.


Status LED indication:








Simulation and Alarm Mode



