RMS-APP Configuration

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RMS-APP Configuration

Three stages are required to add a WiFi datalogger to RMS:

1.Configure the RMS-APP (step 1 to step 10). The RMS-APP only needs to be configured once! If you have already configured the RMS-APP, please skip to step 11.

2.Setup the WiFi datalogger (step 11). If you have already setup your WiFi datalogger, please skip to step 12.

3.Configure the WiFi datalogger (step 12 to step 19).




Step 1

Download the RMS-APP:

•        Apple: https://apps.apple.com/de/app/rms-app/id6475687150

•        Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ch.rotronic.rms.app

•        Windows: http://www.processsensing.com/docs/software/RMS.App.Host.Maui_1.0.0.25001_x64.msix


Step 2

Open the RMS-APP:

app 1

Step 3

The next step is to add the RMS instance where the WiFi datalogger will be installed.


Click on Extras:

rms app 2

Step 4

Click on RMS Setup:

rms app 3

Step 5

Click on + New connection, click on the drop down:

rms app 4

Option 1

If you are using the RMS Cloud:

1.Add a name for the connection.

2.Select the RMS Cloud

3.Add the RMS company name.

4.Add your User name.

5.Add your Password.

6.Click on Check.


rms app 5

Option 2:

If you are using the RMS Cloud:

1.Add a name for the connection.

2.Select Custom

3.Add the RMS URL: https://[ServerName]/rms

4.Add the Device service URL: https://[ServerName]/wService

5.Add the RMS company name.

6.Add your User name.

7.Add your Password.

8.Click on Check.


rms app 6

Step 6

The next step is to add the WiFi network where the WiFi datalogger will be installed.


Click on Extras:

rms app 7

Step 7

Click on WiFi setup:

rms app 8

Step 8

Click on Scan Wi-Fi networks:

rms app 9

Step 9

Select the Wi-Fi network from the list, it will appear under the network name, then add the password and click on connect:

rms app 10

Step 10

If the network doesn’t appear in the setup, simply manually add the Network name and password and click on connect:

rms app 11

Step 11

Prepare the WiFi datalogger.


Take the RMS WiFi Logger:

Remove holder.

Remove back plate (Phillips screwdriver required).

Insert 4 batteries (Recommended batteries: Energizer L91 AA Ultimate Lithium 1.5 Volt) .

Recommendation: power the device with a USB C cable.

Step 12

In the RMS-APP, click on search device:

rms app 12

Option 1

Scan WiFi:

1.Push on the button on the WiFi datalogger for >5s.

2.Click on scan WiFi.

3.The WiFi datalogger will appear in the list:

rms app 13


Click on Add, the WiFi datalogger will appear in the list of devices on the left-hand side of the screen and the WiFi datalogger will show added:

rms app 14

Option 2

Scan QR code:

1.Click on Scan the QR code.

2.Your camera will turn on.

3.Scan the QR code on the front of the WiFi datalogger.

4.The WiFi datalogger will appear in the list:

rms app 15


Click on Add, the WiFi datalogger will appear in the list of devices on the left-hand side of the screen and the WiFi datalogger will show added:

rms app 16

Step 13

The next step is to configure the WiFi datalogger.


Click on the WiFi datalogger on the left hand side of the screen:

rms app 17

Step 14

Click on Connection with Logger:

rms app 18

Step 15

Click on the Connection menu:

rms app 19

Step 16

Select Wi-Fi: Click on the Select Wi-Fi drop down and select the pre configured WiFi network:

rms app 20


Click on Write Wi-Fi to device to add the WiFi networks settings to the WiFi datalogger.

Step 17

Integrate into RMS: Click on select RMS drop down and select the pre configured RMS company:

rms app 21

Step 18

Integration into a specific group: Open the group tree and select the group where the WiFi datalogger should be added:

rms app 22

Step 19

Configure the device name, measurement interval, measuring point name and alarm scheme:

rms app 23


Click on Add device to RMS.

Step 20

Login to RMS to view the WiFi datalogger.


Updated: 10.03.2025