How does the RMS-LOG-868 MLOG Firmware upgrades work?

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How does the RMS-LOG-868 MLOG Firmware upgrades work?

Low signal strength and connection loss during firmware update is certainly not helpful, but should not have any influence on the integrity of the firmware up until the file is completely downloaded and checked.


The process is as follows (for RMS-LOG-868, MLOG is different):

The device requests the firmware in small packets from the gateway via RF. These parts are stored in the external data flash of the logger.

Once all parts are downloaded, the whole firmware is CRC checked, as well as checked for compatibility with the device.

Only then, the bootloader clears the old firmware and copies the new firmware from the external to the internal flash.


Up until the whole download is complete and successful, the old firmware is not modified. During the copy process however, a power reset could potentially lead to a bricked device.