Export Events from the audit trail

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Export Events from the audit trail

Step 1

From the start page, click on "Events":

Export events1


Step 2

Two filter options exist.


Go to step 3 for detailed filtering.

Go to step 7 for simplified filtering.

Step 3

Filter out the required events using the filters function on the left as well as the messages, reminders, warnings, alarms, errors, finished and acknowledged events.

Export events2

Step 4

Filter the events based upon ID, date, event, source, target and details:

Export events3


ID: Filter based upon the event ID number.

Date: Filter based upon the date. When selecting a time and date, the audit trail will show the point selected as the last event. It is possible to scroll down to see all events prior to this event.

Event: Filter based upon an event name. See the list of events here: Audit Trail Events Overview.

Source: Filter based upon the event source. The source is what generated the event and can be the system, a device (DEV), measuring point (MPT), user (USR), alarm scheme (AS), script (SCR).

Target: Filter based upon the event target. The target is what is changed or generated in the event and can be a device (DEV), measuring point (MPT), user (USR), alarm scheme (AS), script (SCR), document (DOC), validation (VAL), group (GRP).

Details: Filter based upon the details of the event. The details are details about the event itself.

Step 5

Once the correct filters are set, click on "Export":

Export events4


Step 6

Select the format. Either a PDF or a CSV. If selecting a PSF, select the report template required.


If the events were already filtered from step 3, select visible events and click on OK.


Either a PDF or a CSV file will be downloaded.

Step 7

Click on "Export":

Export events5

Step 8

Select the format. Either a PDF or a CSV. If selecting a PSF, select the report template required.


Select customer events:

Export events6

Select the events levels that you wish to see as wel as the time range required. Click on "OK".


Either a PDF or a CSV file will be downloaded.