Configure your X-Scaling

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Configure your X-Scaling

Within the "Chart" view, standard X-scalings are possible:


Configure your x-scaling 2


4h: Shows the last 4 hours of data.

Day: Shows the last day of data.

Week: Shows the last week of data.

Month: Shows the last month of data.


It is also possible to zoom in: using the mouse, click and drag function over the desired time frame.

Configure your x-scaling 1


To zoom back out: simply click on the "Unzoom" button.


To see all groups over the same x-scale, click on "Sync x-axis" under the "Content" menu:

Configure your x-scaling 3

Sync x-axis: when the "sync x-axis" is ticked, the x-axis from the various measuring points will all be synced. When not ticked, only the measuring point where a zoom is has been carried out will be zoomed.