Add an Arithmetic Calculation

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Add an Arithmetic Calculation

Step 1

From the start page, click on "Tools" > "Setup":

RMS add an arithmetic calculation step 1


Step 2

On the left side, select "Measuring points":

RMS add an arithmetic calculation step 2


Step 3

Click on "New" > "Arithmetic calculation":


RMS add an arithmetic calculation step 3


Step 4

The following window appears:


RMS add an arithmetic calculation step 4


Step 5

Select an Arithmetic calculation from the drop down menu:

oAdd a Difference, Ratio, Sum or Product

oAdd an Airflow

oAdd a Flow velocity

oAdd an Average

oAdd an MKT

oAdd a Trend

oAdd a PT1

Step 6

Add a measuring point by clicking on "New".


If 2 measuring points are required, it is also possible to select more than one measuring point with the control key. The first measuring point selected will be the first used in the calculation.


RMS add an arithmetic calculation step 5


Step 7

Once the first measuring point is selected, click on "New" to select a second measuring point:


RMS add an arithmetic calculation step 6


Step 8

Select the second measuring point, by clicking on "New":


RMS add an arithmetic calculation step 7


Step 9

Click on "OK" to generate the arithmetic calculation:


RMS add an arithmetic calculation step 8


Step 10

The arithmetic calculation measuring point is added. The measuring point is also added to the chart.