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Good to know

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  • Good to know

    Please read this chapter carefully.


    The Rotronic forum is a platform to exchange and contribute technical information within any member of an interested community as customers, distributors and Rotronic members.
    Please beware that this platform is not monitored regarding sensitive and/or confidential information about customers and it's application, about participating people or system information. So it is within the range of individual responsibility of each person to care about the transparency of the supplied sensitive and/or confidential data.
    Because of the open nature of the forum, Rotronic does not guarantee that information shared on the platform by participating members is correct.

    Translating function
    To read the forum content in a different language, we advice to use a translater. You can display the content in many languages and different fonts and this in live time. (E. g. Text blocks or even complete web pages (copying the link into the translater) can be translated by this way.
    If you want to post, please use English as the written language to avoid a patchwork of various languages. Threads with post in different languages can't be translated automatically for the reading users at the same time. So please translate before you post.

    For reading it is not necessary to register yourself within the forum. To find information follow the links to the forum block issues or use the search function in the top.
    For a registration please click on "Login or Sign Up" --> "Sign Up" --> and complete the "Register". Minimum requirements for an successfull registration is a email adress, a user name and a password.

    My Profile
    Please click in the top-right on the "User" --> "My Profile" --> and you will see the information related to the user as the last posts of the user. On the left side it is possible to "Edit Settings" (see next chapter) and "Customize My Style" (the appearance of the forum can be set individual.). Furthermore the "Avatar" (picture of the user) can be set. Please hover the mouse over the picture and click on "Edit Avatar" and browse for your picture.

    User Settings
    Please click on "User" --> "User Settings" or "User" --> "My Profile" --> "User Settings". In four Tabs you can change settings of your account as profile data, account settings or notifications. Mentionable is to set the email notification to "ON". So if another person answers to one of your posts, you will be informed by email immediatly.

    Delete an user account
    An user account can be deleted only by request to the forum administrator. Please send an email to

    Search function
    Searching post for key words within the forum please beware that function displays only for the correct word matches. Alternatively please use "*" with your keyword (e. g. "function*")

    Forum Structure
    The Forum is splitted into a RMS forum block and a second block for conventional Rotronic devices, HW and SW. The RMS is still devided into four sub themes which are Software, Hardware, System and Service.