<< Click to Display Table of Contents >> Navigation: Software Overview > RMS Monitoring Software > Software Release Notes > V2.7 |
New Features
ID |
Description |
RMS-694A |
Monitoring of sent E-Mail's, including a system counter for E-Mail send error's. An E-Mail sender system error has also been added to the audit trail and is included in the notifications. |
RMS-763A |
Configurable date format under the system settings. |
RMS-3957A |
Disabled users no longer count towards the active users. |
RMS-5777A |
Under the device settings, RMS-CONVERTER-100's and RMS-GW's will show the linked devices. |
ID |
Description |
RMS-1535A |
New graphical user interface for the Documents menu, that allows to filter via: •ID, •Creation date, •Document type, •Name, •Description (included if the document has been reviewed). |
RMS-2251A |
Cache reset enhanced for the ServiceManager. |
RMS-4149A |
Cloud load balancer improvement: For Rotronic internal use only. |
RMS-5395A |
Alarm levels have been removed in the validation scripts for notification checks. |
RMS-5421A |
New document overview: •Service Report: The description will show the time frame of the service report and all DEV's used. •Area Mapping Report: The description will show the project name. •Device Mapping Report: The description will show the project name and well as if the device is conform or not. •Batch Release/Certification Report: The description will show if it is a production batch report or a master batch report, include the batch number and product as well as a review in tolerance or review by exception. •Deviation Report: The description will show the MPT number as well as the deviation time frame. •Measure Data Report: The description will show the time frame of the data analysis report and the MPT's used. •Event Report: The description will show the time frame of the event report. •Validation Report: The description will show if the validation was a success or if there were errors and include all MPT's and DEV's validated. •Calibration Report: The description should show if the calibration on the MPT's resulted in an Error or OK. |
RMS-5763A |
Refactoring of the alarm table. Main changes: •New MS SQL table for events with partitioning. •Document ID no longer in event target, but in event details. •IMPORTANT: Measuring points can only be setup in ONE group. The measuring point will only remain in the first group. |
RMS-5830A |
Report generation improvement: a maximum of 8 reports can be created at the same time. |
RMS-6097A |
Improve wireless address distribution, where taken addresses are checked directly within the database. |
RMS-6455A |
Security improvement: XSS in Script name. |
RMS-6456A |
Security improvement: Image Loader does not check group. |
RMS-6457A |
Security improvement: Layout.aspx/GetLabels does not check group. |
RMS-6461A |
Security improvement: Outdated components. |
RMS-6465A |
Security improvement: SSRF trough WebCam image. |
RMS-6467A |
Security improvement: Arbitary file upload. |
RMS-6469A |
Security improvement: XSS trough WebSocket/SignalR. |
RMS-6471A |
Security improvement: User enumeration trough password reset link. |
RMS-6473A |
Security improvement: Input Validation Missing in Cookies. |
RMS-6475A |
Security improvement: PDF Generator Version Disclosure. |
RMS-6477A |
Security improvement: Missing HSTS Header. |
RMS-6479A |
Security improvement: Weak Cache-Control settings. |
RMS-6501A |
Full name is always shown with User Name and or User ID for the signatures. |
RMS-7032A |
Cloud server security improvement. |
RMS-7572A |
Routine check on radio transmission to ensure stable and reliable communication. |
Bug Fixes
ID |
Description |
Severity |
Probability |
Risk Class |
Detectability |
Priority |
RMS-5636A |
The RMS-TCD-S is not listed within the device inventory. |
Low |
High |
2 |
High |
Low |
RMS-5639A |
When multiple devices are configured, the change reason is only displayed for the first device in the audit trail. |
High |
High |
1 |
Low |
High |
RMS-5750A |
The monthly SMS/Phone calculation is incorrect if several counts are executed in the same second. |
Low |
Medium |
3 |
Low |
Medium |
RMS-5751A |
Data gaps under the data analysis are not displayed if the analysis is in the data gap period. |
Low |
High |
2 |
High |
Low |
RMS-5799A |
Users with only Edit and View rights cannot change a validation script name. |
Low |
Medium |
3 |
High |
Low |
RMS-5801A |
Data export issues (OSISoft/Areva Pi). |
High |
High |
1 |
High |
Medium |
RMS-5806A |
Removal of the cancel inhibition box under inhibit that leads to misinterpretation. |
Low |
Low |
3 |
High |
Medium |
RMS-5928A |
User name and Password are automatically completed via the browser. |
Low |
Medium |
3 |
High |
Low |
RMS-5972A |
"An error has occurred" if opening the datagap analysis graph on empty data. |
Low |
Medium |
3 |
High |
Low |
RMS-6076A |
The frequency (868/915) is missing from the configuration report: For Rotronic internal use only. |
Low |
High |
2 |
High |
High |
RMS-6079A |
No E-Mails appear during the inhibition if under Setup>Tools>System under "Behavior during a pending inhibition" the check mark for "Send E-Mail" is on and under "Repeat Alarm" the repeat is set (for example, to 1 minute). |
High |
Medium |
1 |
Low |
High |
RMS-6080A |
The graph scaling on the mapping equipment is incorrect. |
Low |
High |
2 |
High |
Low |
RMS-6081A |
The configuration report is empty instead of showing N/A: For Rotronic internal use only. |
Low |
High |
2 |
High |
High |
RMS-6094A |
The RMS-LOG-L-D is not showing "°C" correctly. |
Low |
High |
2 |
High |
Low |
RMS-6285A |
Retroactive alarms are not correct after readout of an alarm with delay. |
High |
High |
1 |
Low |
High |
RMS-6365A |
When updating from <V2.5.0. to >V2.6.0. there is an SQL script error: Invalid column name 'EventTypes'. |
Low |
High |
2 |
High |
High |
RMS-6375A |
The validation scripts are not working correctly. |
High |
Medium |
1 |
High |
Medium |
RMS-6398A |
Notification changes are not saved correctly. |
High |
High |
1 |
Low |
High |
RMS-6419A |
The import of previously exported validation scripts are not working. |
Medium |
High |
1 |
Low |
Medium |
RMS-6437A |
Special character issues in name and PDF reports. |
Low |
Medium |
3 |
High |
Low |
RMS-6483A |
The alarm zone of the graph doesn't cover the full width off the mapping report. |
Low |
High |
2 |
Low |
High |
RMS-6608A |
No low battery notification if technical alarms are inhibited and "send E-Mail during inhibition" is activated. |
Low |
High |
2 |
High |
Low |
RMS-6694A |
Redirect after the SAML login not always working. |
High |
Low |
2 |
High |
Low |
RMS-6714A |
E-Mail server "Encrypted connection" on/off not working (always on). |
Low |
Low |
3 |
High |
High |
RMS-6734A |
Devices not fully deleted from RMS. |
Medium |
Medium |
2 |
Medium |
Medium |
RMS-6905A |
{0} in the user name creates strange title bar. |
Low |
Low |
3 |
High |
Low |
RMS-6926A |
WiFi datalogger serial number shown as a negative value. |
Medium |
High |
1 |
Low |
High |
RMS-7032A |
Cloud server security improvement. |
High |
High |
1 |
Low |
High |
RMS-7090A |
No reported datagap after firmware update. |
High |
Medium |
1 |
Low |
High |
RMS-7284A |
Calibration calculation error due to values being rounded. |
High |
High |
1 |
Low |
High |
RMS-7318A |
Company/User can be created leading with a space |
Low |
Low |
3 |
High |
Low |
RMS-7397A |
Intermittent "Probe replaced" event where the serial number shows "0". |
High |
Low |
1 |
High |
High |
RMS-7440A |
Special characters not shown correctly in RMS. |
Low |
High |
2 |
High |
Low |
RMS-7469A |
Data gap not reported when a validation script with an alarm delay is executed. |
High |
High |
1 |
Low |
High |
Know Errors
ID |
Description |
N/A |
N/A |
Updated: 05.02.2025