<< Click to Display Table of Contents >> Navigation: Software Overview > RMS Monitoring Software > Software Release Notes > V2.6.0.24161 |
New Features
ID |
Description |
RMS-1813A |
Visual alarming, the measurement point box and status icon can be configured to: •Off. •Solid (measuring point box only as the status icon is always solid). •Flashing. |
RMS-1965A |
New language: Turkish. |
RMS-2386A |
Device maintenance, all device maintenance can be logged within the audit trail: •Enable/disable service mode. •Definition of a service due date (reminder). •Service message that can be added to the audit trail: oTemplate: Replace battery oTemplate: Replace filter oTemplate: Replace sensor oTemplate: Firmware update oFree text. •Service history view in the audit trial directly filtered for the device and service actions. •Service report including: oTime and date of the report creation. oOverview of all service actions on the device and corresponding measuring points. oDevice specific services, including EVT number, date and description (including service and probe replace events). oNext service due date. oMeasuring point specfic services, including EVT number, date and description (including calibration, adjustment and probe replaced events). |
RMS-2407A |
Limit violations messages can be added to the events. A limit violation will only be created if the corresponding warning/alarm is configured with a delay. |
RMS-3934A |
Possibility to send a reminder E-Mail before an inhibition expires. This change also covers the requirements from RMS-678/2994A. |
RMS-3964A |
New pop up notifications above the menu bar, for reminders (yellow), warnings (orange), alarms (red) and errors (blue). |
RMS-4744A |
New device: RMS-LOG-W-T10-D, WiFi datalogger for NTC's with display. |
RMS-4822A |
New actions: it is now possible to send SMS's and make telephone calls via the actions menu. This change also covers the requirements from RMS-3254/2219A. |
RMS-4877A |
New device: RMS-LOG-W-D, WiFi datalogger for digital probes (HCD/TCD/PCD/CCD) with display. |
RMS-5119A |
New restart function for the WiFi loggers. |
ID |
Description |
RMS-665A |
Group tree added to the events tab. This change also covers the requirements from RMS-926A and RMS-1122/2385/2479/3321. |
RMS-2405A |
Calibration due date automatically set (date MPT added to RMS + 1 year). |
RMS-3430A |
Security improvement: Assertion reuse. |
RMS-3431A |
Security improvement: No Request id validation. |
RMS-3673A |
The data validation in now done directly in a new MS SQL data table. IMPORTANT: all users using the HistoryView.sql must be sure to update the view with the new installation file. |
RMS-3766A |
SSO (SAML2.0): it is no longer necessary to have the IdP certificates used for response signature validation to be in the server root store. The certificates from the Metadata can be used to validate the response signature. |
RMS-3933A |
Under the events tab, the link to the layout where the DEV/MPT is visible is shown in each audit trail event. This change also covers the requirements from RMS-2989A. |
RMS-4536A |
Data export: •When a manual PDF is created with >10'000 events, an error message will be shown to the user. •When a manual CSV is created with >50'000 events, an error message will be shown to the user. •When an automated PDF is created with >10'000 events, multiple reports will be created and sent by E-Mail. Maximum number of reports: 50. |
RMS-4756A |
Repeat notifications can be setup per alarm level (reminder, warning, alarm and error) and per notification method (E-Mail, SMS, call and browser notification). |
RMS-5123A |
After deleting a user, device or measuring point, all data is deleted from the MS SQL database: •Disabled and deleted users are in the list of visible items in the event filter. •Deleted devices and measuring points cannot be filtered under events by name. Filter possible by ID number within the "joint group" (the name is displayed as "unknown item"). |
Bug Fixes
ID |
Description |
RMS-3200A |
Device repairing after deletion: device already exists error message. |
RMS-3937A |
Toggling virtual button too quickly creates Duplicate Key Exception errors. |
RMS-4545A |
Logfile entries: Message [DeviceConfigDto] was not delivered. |
RMS-4581A |
Unconfimed alarm counter not counting correctly. |
RMS-4657A |
Sorting MPT's in the archive view not working correctly. |
RMS-4658A |
Filtering firmware files in the document view not working correctly. |
RMS-4683A |
Registration of a new company with an empty name is possible. |
RMS-4706A |
Area mapping report fails if an uncertainty is set and the browser uses a language with a comma as decimal separator. |
RMS-4750A |
Pending readouts will not be recognized in the datagap analysis view, if multiple readouts has been combined. |
RMS-4758A |
Old open related events are documented in the events report. |
RMS-4940A |
High amount of E-Mail's sent after a data gap retry. |
RMS-5020A |
System settings signatures issue with special characters (ö, ä, ü, é, è, à). |
RMS-5100A |
"Enter password for changes" not working using SSO. |
RMS-5138A |
Events are not saved if the connection to the service manager is not available. |
RMS-5374A |
Validation error due to an incorrect SQL query. |
RMS-5375A |
Help E-mail send error. |
RMS-5398A |
Error when selecting multiple measurement points for arithmetic calculations, where an unknown measurement point is added to the calculation. |
RMS-5496A |
The chart pop up is not visible after zooming in. |
RMS-5553A |
Error when re-adding a device with an ö, ä, or ü that is converted to unicode. |
RMS-5555A |
Company language change not applied everywhere. |
RMS-5558A |
Scaling of the RMS-DI incorrect in the chart view. |
RMS-5568A |
Deleted script result measuring point still showing. |
RMS-5610A |
Software exception if the E-Mail address is invalid. |
RMS-5629A |
GUI error after the creation of the new dashboard. |
RMS-5644A |
RMS-GW and RMS-CONVERTER-100 errors in the layout view. |
RMS-5664A |
The wrong timestamp is used for calculations. |
Know Errors
ID |
Description |
RMS-6093A |
Log data duplicates are not being saved. The data is available on the data logger, but not uploaded to the software. |
Updated: 21.03.2025