Update to a Newer Version of the RMS Software

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Update to a Newer Version of the RMS Software

If the RMS software is running and a new update is available, follow these guidelines for the installation.


Step 1

Unzip the new version and copy it into a folder with the version number parallel to the currently installed version: "C://inetpub/wwwroot/rms/{version}".

Step 2

Edit connection string in "Connections.config" in folder \wPage and \wService:

oData Source

oInitial Catalog

oUser ID


The existing settings can be found in "web.config" in folder \wService of the current RMS Installation.

Step 3

Update web.config files, if there are changes under "Appsettings" or "DefaultProxy"

Step 4

Switch wService and wPage application offline by selecting physical path "…/{new version}\Offline". ("Server Manager" > "IIS" > right click on the server and select "Internet Information Server (IIS) manager"). The file "App_Offline.htm" should be located in the directory. Afterwards a maintenance message will be displayed in the browser when RMS is called.


Install software 1


Step 5

Create a backup of the RMS database:

install software 2


Step 6

Update the database schema using the attached SQL script of the new version (Rotronic-RMS-Tables.sql)

Install software 3


Then drag the script into the window and run.

Step 7

Recycle Application Pool ".NET V4.5" (in "IIS Manager" > "Application Pools" > "Recycle").

Step 8

Set both applications online again.

C://inetpub/wwwroot/rms/{new version}/wPage

C://inetpub/wwwroot/rms/{new version}/wService

Step 9

Test to see if the website and the webservice are running:

Login to the website


Service test: ({ServerAddresse}/wService/wService3.DeviceService.svc/TestDatabase)

Install software 4

Figure : Service test

Step 10

In case of upgrading from a version older than V1.2, adapt "User rights" in RMS SW due to new rights "Report templates" and "Email reports"