Configure your Columns

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Configure your Columns

Step 1

From the start page, click on "Table":


configure user table view 1


Step 2

Click on "Select columns":


configure user table view 2


Step 3

Select the various points by clicking on the box:

o!: status of the measuring point shown via a colored circle.

oID: the MPT number of the measuring point.

oStatus: the written status of the measuring point.

oGroup: the group within which the measuring point is located.

oLast refresh: when was the device last read out by the software.

oDevice ID: the DEV number of the measuring point.

oDevice serial number: the device serial number. The device here is the logger and not the probe.

oStrength: the wireless signal strength of the measuring point.

oMeasuring point name: name of the measuring point (free text).

oRegulation: regulation attributed to the measuring point (free text).

oComment: comment attributed to the measuring point (free text).

oMeasuring point serial number: the measuring point serial number. The device here is the probe and not the logger.

oMeasured parameter: the parameter measured.

oMeasured value: the measured value.

oPosition: the location of the measuring point (free text).

oOwner: the owner of the measuring point.